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Marketing Tips from EPM Print Group: Boosting Your WFH Business with Effective Print Strategies

On the ground marketing - Laundry Business by EPM Group

Starting a work-from-home (WFH) business, like The Laundry Lady, can be exciting. One of the keys to success is getting your name out there and while digital marketing is vital, don’t underestimate the power of traditional print marketing. EPM Print Group, a leader in the print industry, offers some valuable insights for contractors and WFH entrepreneurs looking to establish and grow their businesses.

1. Utilise Business Cards

Business cards are small, but they pack a punch. For a WFH business like The Laundry Lady, they serve as a portable introduction to potential clients. A well-designed business card can leave a lasting impression, especially when handed out during local events, networking meetups, or even while running errands. Ensure your card includes essential contact information, services offered, and a memorable tagline or a QR Code on the business card with all this information which can then be easily saved to a persons phone.

2. Distribute Flyers and Brochures

Local marketing is essential for businesses that serve a specific area. Flyers and brochures can be highly effective for reaching potential clients in your community. EPM Print Group suggests designing eye-catching materials that highlight your services and promotions. Distribute these in high-traffic areas such as community centres, cafes, and local events. You can also consider partnering with complementary businesses to leave flyers in their establishments.

3. Leverage Door Hangers

Door hangers are an excellent way to target specific neighbourhoods. If your business caters to a particular area, this tactic allows you to reach homeowners directly. EPM recommends using bright colours and clear messaging to grab attention. Include a special offer or discount to encourage immediate action.

4. Invest in Branded Apparel

When you or your team are out in the community, branded apparel serves as a walking advertisement. EPM emphasises the importance of visibility—whether you’re delivering laundry, attending a local event or just grabbing some groceries, branded clothing makes your business recognisable. It also adds a professional touch that can build trust with potential clients.

5. Use Car Magnets or Decals

Your vehicle can be a mobile billboard. By adding car magnets or decals with your business name, logo, and contact information, you can increase visibility wherever you go. This is particularly useful for The Laundry Lady contractors who travel frequently within their service area. EPM advises ensuring the design is clean, easy to read, and includes a clear call-to-action.

6. Attend Local Events and Markets

Getting involved in your local community is a fantastic way to promote your WFH business. EPM recommends attending or sponsoring local events, markets, or events – especially where families gather. Set up a booth, hand out branded materials and engage with potential customers. This face-to-face interaction can help build relationships and trust, leading to long-term business growth.

7. Create a Referral Program

Word-of-mouth remains one of the most powerful and trusted marketing tools available. EPM suggests creating a referral program that rewards your existing customers for bringing in new business. Use print materials to spread the word about your referral program—flyers, postcards and even custom referral cards can be distributed to encourage participation.

In the digital age, print marketing might seem old-school, but it’s far from obsolete. By combining traditional marketing methods with your online efforts, you can create a well-rounded strategy that boosts your WFH business’s visibility and success. Whether you’re just starting or looking to expand, these tips from EPM Print Group can help you make the most of your marketing efforts.

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