Home blogThe winner of our ultimate EOFY giveaway is…

The winner of our ultimate EOFY giveaway is…

Laundry Lady EOFY Giveaway


Firstly, we’d like to thank you for your entry in our competition: your engagement means a lot to us. In the last few days, we were excited to see lots of people wanting to take a load off their minds and having the chance to get their $500 laundry freedom-voucher.

The raffle has been done and we’re happy to announce that the winner, following all of our terms and conditions, is:

Barbra Lilliebridge

Congratulations, Barbra! 🎉

We’ll contact you to move forward with the next steps.

If you are not the winner, don’t lose the chance to enter our next giveaways! We’ll continue giving special prizes to thank all of the support of our community!

Don’t get into a spin about laundry! Let us help you.

We look forward to seeing you in the next competition! 💕

If you’re still struggling with a never-ending laundry pile and need an extra helping hand, head on over to our website to see our prices, location areas, and how to book.